Monday, April 27, 2015

Getting a Handle on Today - Hiring A House Helper

Daily I balance people, priorities, and possibilities. On good days, they all keep moving in the right direction.  On some days, they get overbalanced and crash around me. Learning to delegate has been an issue - but, I hired a house helper (aka Housekeeper)

An awesome young lady who loves to clean and has experience with elderly dementia patients. She is going to be in our home 4 days a week - 3 hours a day. Long enough to do laundry, mop the floors, make beds,  make sure Pops has lunch and his needs are meet.  We have even discussed her starting a few crockpot meals for us....

Yes, I am delegating items to someone else.
This awesome young lady can clean better than I can, has more time than I do, and actually has better housekeeping skills than I will ever have.

Many of us know and often say the Serenity Prayer:
Lord, great me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference

This is me - I cannot change some things in my life, things like having an 87 year-old father with dementia who needs to be with us or having a son who has become disabled and needs financial help, opening a boarding kennel before I knew I would be caring for my dad, or imagining my family practice taking off packed with patients. 

Do I know the difference - yes,  I can change how I spend my time and what I allow myself to feel guilty about.

Do I feel guilty - NO!  I am taming the tiger of time, "my time". Having someone to help in our home, will lessen my guilt over a dirty house, unmade beds, and laundry.  Hiring someone is going to allow me to have time to pursue a few pleasures that I need - yes need to pursue pleasure to be healthy.

Planning on running at 5 AM, followed by kennel duty - so that I can be in the clinic by 8:30.  Yes my Awesome House Helper will be her by 8:30 so, I know the breakfast dishes will be washed, the laundry folded and put away, the beds will be made and Pops will have lunch.

Tomorrow is a long day - planning on ending the day with a grandson's baseball game at 8 PM tomorrow night...but I am not stressing, instead I am taming tiger time, with an Awesome House Helper.
How do you tame the tiger of time?
~ Connie ~

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