Wow - Seems like January was yesterday and here it is July. I am fast approaching my next birthday. As another year ticks away - let me tell you where I am.
My goals for 2009 include:
1.Become more organized- 2. Eat Healthier 3. Count my blessing 4. Live each day with less stress.
Well - let's see - I am more organized. I live by my calendar. I am scheduling healthy activities. More than that I have read a couple of books on organization. I am cleaning out closets and desk drawers - I am simplifying my life.
I am eating healthier - no fried food - and I have given up sodas.
I do count my blessing everyday - I thank God everyday for my life even on the days my life is not perfect.
Living each day with less stress has been the most difficult. I tend to create my own stress by trying to take on to many task at one time. I have also recently come to the realization that my dream job was really a nightmare. It took a lot of courage but I have chosen a new path in my career with less stress.
My running goals are on track - I continue to enjoy running, my overall fitness level is improving, I have made new running friends and I am training for a half marathon in November......
Life in Blytheville Arkansas is GOOD!!!!