The Big Man got the toilet and the sink set in our Kennel building. We got to use the classroom in the kennel building for the first time to host a concealed firearm safety class. We have had boarders four out of seven nights at Bed and Biscuit Boarding My family practice is growing. My teaching obligation is moving along, Pops (my 86 year old father who now lives with us) had a fairly good week, the kids and grandboys are doing well, and the fur-babies haven't been ill. Oh - and the Big Man and I have had some great conversations walking dogs.

I had a little down time at lunch on Friday so I decided to catch-up reading post at Arkansas Women Bloggers. Jeanetta Darley is my new hero. She shared some of her gardening resources - you know spring is just around the corner. If you are a gardener - you should check-out Jeanetta's post Beginning the Garden Discussion. I have fallen in love with Smart Gardener, a digital garden planner she shared in her post. I have started picking plants, I even named my garden "Birds and Blooms Haven."

I can't wait for Spring, the Big Man and I are going to measure off some space tomorrow for the garden. I am hoping to include my new chicken coop near the garden space.
Remember to keep checking back in 2015, as I focus on the meaning behind my One Little Word -
~ Shalom ~ a feeling of contentment, completeness, wholeness, well being and harmony!
~ Connie ~