Thank be to God, the Thanksgiving holiday is over. My youngest daughter did a great job of putting the Thanksgiving meal together. The Grandboys were perfect.
Today has been a great day - I spent the day working on homework surrounded by the things that mean the most to me - The Big Man (Ricky) and the four-legged babies. It amazes me how therapeutic it is to have a couple of little dogs laying by your side or a big dog looking over the gate (keeping them in the kitchen) with loving eyes and a happy tail. Total Peace.
I spent some time today researching Reflexology - I find the concepts interesting. The Big Man is going to be my guinea pig.
My running last week was hit and miss - I have put together a plan to make next week a more productive week, even though, I will be traveling. Stay tuned to see how I do.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Finding the Courage to Start
Today I made a decision - I want to be a runner. I have been reading the An Accidental Athlete by John Bingham. I realize that I can do anything I want to do. I may have to take a different approach to reaching my goal but I can.
I walk/ran 2 miles yesterday and felt great - I need to remember the feeling. I need to focus on finding the courage to keep moving.

Thursday, November 03, 2011
First Run of the Half-Marathon Training Plan
Early Morning Sky
Wow - 5:30 AM is early, but I knew if I did not run this morning I would not run today - Great River Charitable Clinic tonight.
The run was difficult. I felt sluggish and stiff. My speed is slow but I have always been slow. Need to find the motivation to keep moving.
~ Connie ~
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Earrings, Miche Bag, Ready to Scrapbook
I haven't had much time to blog - work, charitable clinic, grad school, and family have filled my every waking moment.
I am so upset with the U.S. Postal service. I finished recipe cards for a swap and got them in the mail at the last minute only for the U.S. Postal service to loose them. I feel really bad - I am not a slacker. I am remaking the cards this weekend and resending them along with the November recipe cards.
I am loving having a semi-new space to scrapbook. I found several Close-to-My-Heart paper and stamp sets I forgot I had. Don't you love finding something you forgot you had? It is like Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas, anyone want to make a recipe scrapbook of family recipes for family members? If so, send me an email. I can help you get started.
I am blessed. I can't find the words to explain how I feel. I have a perfect spouse, wonderful children, the opportunity to be loved by 13 four-legged babies, and perfect grandsons.
This week I opened my new business as an Independent Consultant for BambooPink. BambooPink is a new jewelry line. BambooPink has a fun, fresh look! It's classy, elegant and stylish jewelry, but now it's easier than ever to shop online. We are all busy, so shopping online is what I do best. Check out the holiday collection for your favorite rings and earrings, necklaces and bracelets, charms and pendants.
To finish my wardrobe I always want my purse (handbag) to match my shoes and outfit. I also opened my second business line as an Independent Consultant for Miche Bags.
Miche Bag solves the problem with how to accessorize your wardrobe. Now it's purse and magnetic shells to change the look of your purse and match your wardrobe in a matter of seconds! With Miche you can change your handles from short to long to adjustable or chain handles. There are over 30 shells to choose from and NEW ones releasing every month! Email me for information on how you can earn free jewelry or purses - right from the comfort of your home.
~ Connie ~
P.S. Check back tomorrow to see how the first day of a new training plan for a half-marathon goes.
I am so upset with the U.S. Postal service. I finished recipe cards for a swap and got them in the mail at the last minute only for the U.S. Postal service to loose them. I feel really bad - I am not a slacker. I am remaking the cards this weekend and resending them along with the November recipe cards.
I am loving having a semi-new space to scrapbook. I found several Close-to-My-Heart paper and stamp sets I forgot I had. Don't you love finding something you forgot you had? It is like Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas, anyone want to make a recipe scrapbook of family recipes for family members? If so, send me an email. I can help you get started.
I am blessed. I can't find the words to explain how I feel. I have a perfect spouse, wonderful children, the opportunity to be loved by 13 four-legged babies, and perfect grandsons.
This week I opened my new business as an Independent Consultant for BambooPink. BambooPink is a new jewelry line. BambooPink has a fun, fresh look! It's classy, elegant and stylish jewelry, but now it's easier than ever to shop online. We are all busy, so shopping online is what I do best. Check out the holiday collection for your favorite rings and earrings, necklaces and bracelets, charms and pendants.
To finish my wardrobe I always want my purse (handbag) to match my shoes and outfit. I also opened my second business line as an Independent Consultant for Miche Bags.
Miche Bag solves the problem with how to accessorize your wardrobe. Now it's purse and magnetic shells to change the look of your purse and match your wardrobe in a matter of seconds! With Miche you can change your handles from short to long to adjustable or chain handles. There are over 30 shells to choose from and NEW ones releasing every month! Email me for information on how you can earn free jewelry or purses - right from the comfort of your home.
~ Connie ~
P.S. Check back tomorrow to see how the first day of a new training plan for a half-marathon goes.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Friday Give-A-Away
I am so excited about my new business. Simple Accessories and Scrapbooking ~
I love jewelry, purses and scrapbooking. Simple Accessories and Scrapbooking is all of that ~ jewelry (BambooPink), purses (Miche), and Scrapbookig (Close-To-My-Heart). To kick off my new bussiness I am giving away a pair of Vience Hoops from BambooPink ($59.00 Value).
I will continue to post my running and life events on Scrapbookwife Blogspot - so those of you who follow my uneventful running life please keep following.
To enter:
1. Like Simple Accessories and Scrapbooking facebook page
2. Have a friend like Simple Accessories and Scrapbooking - tell them to leave a post with your name (they earn an entry and so do you).
3. Go to and become a fan.
Good Luck - Someone will be the lucky winner of new set of earrings.
Drawing will be Saturday, Oct 15.
Thanks for following and helping me get my new bussiness of the ground
~ Connie ~
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Live, Love, Laugh and Move
Today started with me and the Big Man watching the hummingbirds with coffee. I wish everyday could start the same way. There is something peaceful about watching these little creatures feeding.
My half-marathon training routine is hit and miss. I can’t seem to make training a priority. My motivation and my mental health improve when I run. My spirit feels healthy when I run. So, why can’t I make training a priority?
I need to be more like the hummingbird - enjoying life. Live , Love, Laugh and Move.
My half-marathon training routine is hit and miss. I can’t seem to make training a priority. My motivation and my mental health improve when I run. My spirit feels healthy when I run. So, why can’t I make training a priority?
I need to be more like the hummingbird - enjoying life. Live , Love, Laugh and Move.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Accept No Mediocre Life
It has been almost a month since I blogged. I am not sure where my time goes. I love reading others' blogs and I enjoy sharing my thoughts with others, so why I am I not consistent. I think blogging might be a little like my running something I put on the back burner and seem to never have enough time to do. Why?
I am reading a book "Accept No Mediocre Life: Living Beyond Labels, Libels, and Limitations" by David Foster. The book focuses on doing your best in everything you do. This next week I am going to be focusing on doing my best in everything I do. I will be working on a weekly schedule for blogging and running. My schedule will not be daily for blogging or running, but it will be te best that I can do.
Check back later this week to see what and when I will be blogging and running.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
What is your Goliath?
Today has been a stressful day – but after a great dinner with the Big Man I have come to a few thoughts that put a peaceful end to my day.
An attitude can give us an uncommonly positive perspective (according to John Maxwell) -Example: When Goliath came up against the Israelites, the soldiers all thought "He's so big we can never kill him" David looked at the same giant and thought "He's so big I can't miss" - Come on Giant - I think Like David.
Paul in Philippians talks about attitudes – he tells us of five things about the proper Christain attitude:
1. Do things for the right reasons.
2. Regard others as more important than yourself.
3. Look out for the interests of others.
4. Christ recognized His sonship and therefore was willing to serve God and others.
5. Possess the attitude of Christ, who was not power hungry but rather emptied Himself, demonstrated obedience and fulfilled God’s purpose.
I have spent many hours in prayer and meditation– I know God has put me where I am for a purpose. I know that my heart is right, I have always regarded others as more important than myself, I recognize (an find comfort and joy) in being a child of Christ, I am not power hungry and I work hard every day to be obedient and fulfill God’s purpose – Goliath I am not afraid of you.
What is your Goliath? Do you have a David attitude?
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Mid-Year Moving On

I haven't focused on my word for 2011 - Simple. How do you simplify your life when you want to give back for the many blessings you have received? Maybe this question will never be answered?
I also find myself missing my creative side. I miss scrapbooking, creating cards, knitting, and sewing. Over the next few weeks I am going to focus on sparking my creative side.
Ok - off to check out my creative space. Check back tomorrow for my first steps back to the creative side and an update on my running.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Mid-Year Update
Wow it has been a month since I blogged and I just realized that we are halfway through 2011.
Now is a good time for me to review my 2011 Goals.Here are the running goals for 2011 posted on
Now is a good time for me to review my 2011 Goals.Here are the running goals for 2011 posted on
The Little Rock Half-Marathon -Registered for March 2012 half marathon – did not make this one but I haven’t given up. I am considering running a half marathon in November; this would make my 2011 goal of running a half marathon.
Run 700 Miles - Need to pick-up the miles if I am going to make this one.
Simplify My Life - ?
So what other goals are will guide my simple life in 2011:
Listen more – trying to work on this one.
Enjoy the simple things in life (family, friends, health and faith) – working on this one.
If you notice I did not make a note next to Simplify My Life – how do you know when life is simple? I haven’t added any new projects. Does that make my life simple? I am trying to carve out time each weekend to spend time with the Big Man. Run 700 Miles - Need to pick-up the miles if I am going to make this one.
Simplify My Life - ?
So what other goals are will guide my simple life in 2011:
Listen more – trying to work on this one.
Enjoy the simple things in life (family, friends, health and faith) – working on this one.
What is simple? Am I simple enough? The next few days I plan to spend some quite time reflecting on simple –what is simple? How can I my life be simpler?
Check back on Sunday for an update ~
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Being a Better Person -
Wow – I haven’t blogged since June 7. Almost a month has passed. Life seems to move fast – faster than I want it to move. I have been feeling like a hamster on a wheel. I get up every day and do the same think I did the day before. Work, eat and sleep. Hummmmmm ~ and yes, I feel guilty.
According to Wikipedia: Guilt is the fact of being responsible for the commission of an offense. It is also a cognitive or an emotional experience that occurs when a person realizes or believes—accurately or not—that he or she has violated a moral standard, and bears significant responsibility for that violation. It is closely related to the concept of remorse.
So, why do I feel guilty? Am I being the best person, wife, mother, employee, and friend I can be? The answer is no. I am I giving back to the community for all of the blessing I have received? Maybe
I told someone today to stop waiting for the perfect time to chase their dream – none of us are guaranteed the next breath. So – I need to take my own advice. I need to quit waiting for the time and make the time to be the person I want to be.
I have been reading the tiny buddha blog – Take a look if you are looking for a daily dose of how to be happier person.
~ Connie ~
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
What we need everyday
There will never be a day when we won't need dedication, discipline, energy, and the feeling that we can change things for the better.
George Sheehan
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
George Sheehan
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Something to think aobut
I was reading 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life this morning ~ Henery Ford was quoted aa saying "I believe God is managing affairs & that He doesn't need advice from me. With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end. So what is there to worry about?"
Friday, May 27, 2011
Katie show what is in my purse
Thursday, May 26, 2011
CHARACTER REFERS especially to moral qualities, ethical standards, and principles of a man. We all know about people with Character... You can trust them. They say the right things and they do the right things. They can back up their words with their actions.
Every day I am faced with decisions – in my role as hospital administration, nurse, student and business owner (Simply Organized Accessories), wife and mother. My goal in life is to be that person – you can trust, the one that says and does the right thing.
~ Connie ~
Life is Unpredictable
Life is unpredictable. You never know how your day will begin or end. Plan and perpare - keep things simple. Remember the most improtant tasks are to live, love and laugh according to God's Plan.
Waking Up
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Starting The Day Off Right
Woke up to a the sun shining and birds singing.
Had a not so good day at work yesterday. Seems like southern politics have become a part in my workplace.
Reading John Maxwell this morning. He quotes Abraham Lincoln as saying "I will do the very best I know how- the very best I can and I mean to keep doing so until the end. This has and is the way I live my life.
John also quotes Anthony Robbins - it's moments of decision that your destiny is shape.
So - I have made a decision, do my best, do what is right.
What decisions will you make today that will affect your future?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Had a not so good day at work yesterday. Seems like southern politics have become a part in my workplace.
Reading John Maxwell this morning. He quotes Abraham Lincoln as saying "I will do the very best I know how- the very best I can and I mean to keep doing so until the end. This has and is the way I live my life.
John also quotes Anthony Robbins - it's moments of decision that your destiny is shape.
So - I have made a decision, do my best, do what is right.
What decisions will you make today that will affect your future?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Life Is To Short To Wear Ugly Earrings
My firend Marla says "life is to short to wear ugly earrings" and I agree.
I am all about keeping life simple. Bamboo Pink is simple. Click on the Bamboo Pink link. Shop online. Buy one set of hoop earnings and multiple charms -
How simple is that - one set of hoops (maybe two if you are like me gold one day and silver the next) and then add charms as you budget allows.
All online! Keep it simple!
I am all about keeping life simple. Bamboo Pink is simple. Click on the Bamboo Pink link. Shop online. Buy one set of hoop earnings and multiple charms -
How simple is that - one set of hoops (maybe two if you are like me gold one day and silver the next) and then add charms as you budget allows.
All online! Keep it simple!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Our Next Breath is not promised
We never know if today is our last day. Last week was filled with hype about the end of the world. For residents in Joplin, MO. their world did end last night when an F-4 tornado ripped thru the town. My heart goes out to those affected by the tornado. I guess that means I cried for me and you and the residents of Joplin, MO. We are affected - or at the least we should be affected.
I cried last night every time I turned the TV to on check on the news about Joplin. I cried for the people who lost their lives, for the family members left behind, for those who lost everything they had worked for, and for the healthcare workers who selflessly stayed with their patients not knowing if their families and homes had been affected.
St John's Hospital
How do we help? Pray, with God all things are possible and make a donation to the Red Cross. I know from personal experience the Red Cross's assistance in this type of crisis is priceless. Their services do come with a cost, not to the one receiving the service but, to the organization. It cost money to feed, house, and provide medical supplies, counselors and bedding to those who have nothing.
Me - I have prayed several times for those affected by the tornado - and I will continue to pray. I will also make a monetary donation to the Red Cross - only because I can't physically go to assist the Red Cross.
Please consider what you can do - today. Our next breath is not promised.
I cried last night every time I turned the TV to on check on the news about Joplin. I cried for the people who lost their lives, for the family members left behind, for those who lost everything they had worked for, and for the healthcare workers who selflessly stayed with their patients not knowing if their families and homes had been affected.
St John's Hospital
How do we help? Pray, with God all things are possible and make a donation to the Red Cross. I know from personal experience the Red Cross's assistance in this type of crisis is priceless. Their services do come with a cost, not to the one receiving the service but, to the organization. It cost money to feed, house, and provide medical supplies, counselors and bedding to those who have nothing.
Me - I have prayed several times for those affected by the tornado - and I will continue to pray. I will also make a monetary donation to the Red Cross - only because I can't physically go to assist the Red Cross.
Please consider what you can do - today. Our next breath is not promised.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
New Starts - Be Anything You Want To Be
Everyday is an opportunity to start fresh. We are each given a clean slate every morning. For me this is a great concpet. Everyday I find myself wanting more and more out of life.
It is not material things that I want. It is creativity, beauty, peace, grace. Now I know some think you are either born with these things or you are not. I choose to believe that I have the power to find and cultivate all four of these characteristics.
So - I am committing to you my blog followers the following:
More time writing. My friend Katie Orse has some great writing promopts on her website - check out the free stuff on Katie's website.
I am going to take more pictures and scrapbook more (Close to My Heart Studio J)
Ask me how to scrapbook online and get "real" scrapbook pages for you album.
Life is good! I can be anything I want to be!
It is not material things that I want. It is creativity, beauty, peace, grace. Now I know some think you are either born with these things or you are not. I choose to believe that I have the power to find and cultivate all four of these characteristics.
So - I am committing to you my blog followers the following:
More time writing. My friend Katie Orse has some great writing promopts on her website - check out the free stuff on Katie's website.
I am going to take more pictures and scrapbook more (Close to My Heart Studio J)
Ask me how to scrapbook online and get "real" scrapbook pages for you album.
Life is good! I can be anything I want to be!
Thursday, May 05, 2011
What Makes Up Your Foundation?
I am the queen of taking on multiple projects.
I am responsible for multiple departments in two hospitals.
I am a full-time student in a nurse practitioner program.
I am the volunteer director for a charitable health clinic.
I am a Red Cross volunteer.
I am the proud mother to six adult children.
I am the proud parent of twelve rescued four-legged children.
I am active in my church and community.
I am training for my first-half marathon.
Then life throws a hurdle to see if I can juggle everything and jump. This week it was a flash flood at my house. Water in two rooms, the garage and the dogs’ room. I could have been angry or frustrated over the water - but after taking a moment to reflect on the water I realize I am blessed. I have a home to flood. I have friends who came to help us clean up the mess.
How do I do everything - with support. A solid support system gives a solid foundation to everything you do.
For me, my husband and children are my support system. My belief in those to whom much is given, much is expected also fuels my soul.
What makes up you foundation?
I am responsible for multiple departments in two hospitals.
I am a full-time student in a nurse practitioner program.
I am the volunteer director for a charitable health clinic.
I am a Red Cross volunteer.
I am the proud mother to six adult children.
I am the proud parent of twelve rescued four-legged children.
I am active in my church and community.
I am training for my first-half marathon.
Then life throws a hurdle to see if I can juggle everything and jump. This week it was a flash flood at my house. Water in two rooms, the garage and the dogs’ room. I could have been angry or frustrated over the water - but after taking a moment to reflect on the water I realize I am blessed. I have a home to flood. I have friends who came to help us clean up the mess.
How do I do everything - with support. A solid support system gives a solid foundation to everything you do.
For me, my husband and children are my support system. My belief in those to whom much is given, much is expected also fuels my soul.
What makes up you foundation?
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Making Life Simple using technology
Life is good. I got a new toy today. I am blogging from a samsung galaxy tablet. I can see how this little device is going to make my life simple.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Prep Time Is Important ~ Planning Easter Lunch Today
Good Morning World. I have a busy blessed day ahead. Just like you prep for a good meal we should prep for a good day.
Spend some time every morning reviewing your schedule for the day. Planning makes you feel in control even when an unplanned task shows up.

Today I will prepare for Easter Lunch All of the kids but two will be home for Easter. Lunch for 16 people. Please leave me suggestions for what to cook.
Have a simple organized blessed day ~ ConnieKay
Spend some time every morning reviewing your schedule for the day. Planning makes you feel in control even when an unplanned task shows up.
Today I will prepare for Easter Lunch All of the kids but two will be home for Easter. Lunch for 16 people. Please leave me suggestions for what to cook.
Have a simple organized blessed day ~ ConnieKay
Monday, April 18, 2011
Do- Over For a Non-Runner
Today is the first day of the rest of your life - I have heard that saying throughout my life. What does "the first day of the rest of you life" really mean to a runner who has become a non-runner.
It means I get a do-over. I get to start today with a clean slate. I do not have to feel guilty because I did not run yesterday, or the day before, or last month.
I am rereading Jeff Galloway's "Marathon You Can Do It" This week's schedule is 30 minutes of walk/jog on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday followed by 3 easy miles on Sunday.
Some of you are thinking - what that is not marathon training. Yes it is marathon training, when the only real training you have been doing is walking the 11 year-old dog.
Angel is a good dog - but her springy step is short lived.
Check back tomorrow - hold me accountable. If I know you are watching maybe I will run.
~ Connie ~
It means I get a do-over. I get to start today with a clean slate. I do not have to feel guilty because I did not run yesterday, or the day before, or last month.
I am rereading Jeff Galloway's "Marathon You Can Do It" This week's schedule is 30 minutes of walk/jog on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday followed by 3 easy miles on Sunday.

Angel is a good dog - but her springy step is short lived.
Check back tomorrow - hold me accountable. If I know you are watching maybe I will run.
~ Connie ~
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Happy But Frustrated
Here it is Sunday night and I find myself frustrated and happy. I am happy because I enjoyed the weekend. I had planned to take off Friday but I ended up helping decorate a table for the hospital at a senior citizen fund raiser. I am really proud of how the table came out.
The center piece is one I put together for my dining room. I added the hurricane lamps that also came from my dining room
My niece came for a very short visit - she is allowing me to keep her four-legged babies while she finishes her last year of college.
Meet Angel - She is 11 years old. She is a sweet girl.
And, Oreo - he is 10 years-old. He is a great guy. He is trying hard to understand why he has to share our house with other four-legged babies.
Ok - so why am I frustrated - Another week has gone by and I have read a couple of books on running but not hit the road. So maybe next week. Maybe my motivation will find the strength to get me up and moving.
Have a great week ~
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Why can't I run at night?
No Fear - I have always lived by this rule. I know I am blessed. I know God is watching over me. My husband also lives by this rule. So, why is he so weird about me going running at night?
I am not a morning person. If I could start my day at 10 AM, I would be very happy. I do my best work at 8 PM.
My life is full. I work 8 to sometimes 6:30 at night. I come home and work on line till 9 or 10 PM (at least four nights a week). I spend my lunch time at meetings or checking in on the Great River Charitable Clinic.
So, running after dark is logical to me. Last night I said something about running - he acted weired. I said I would take one of the dogs with me - he immediately started asking what I would do if a stray dog came after us. - What is a girl to do?
I am not a morning person. If I could start my day at 10 AM, I would be very happy. I do my best work at 8 PM.
My life is full. I work 8 to sometimes 6:30 at night. I come home and work on line till 9 or 10 PM (at least four nights a week). I spend my lunch time at meetings or checking in on the Great River Charitable Clinic.
So, running after dark is logical to me. Last night I said something about running - he acted weired. I said I would take one of the dogs with me - he immediately started asking what I would do if a stray dog came after us. - What is a girl to do?
Monday, March 21, 2011
Repacking the waggon.

Blogging is therapy for me. I was reading Maria Shiver’s blog tonight on managing your to-do-list without getting distracted. I realize I put important task on my to-do-list but I never include me time.
I live by a to-do-list (actually my outlook calendar on my iPhone). The little black techie thing I carry around with me everyday - you know the thing that makes you panic if you can't find it.
I was reading Jeff Galloway’s book Marathon You Can Do It. Mr. Galloway says I only need 30 minutes a day. 30 minutes is not much time. Looking at the little black thing in my hand I have thirty minutes - everyday (and for those of you who know me - it is not during sleep time).
So my new to-do is 30 minutes a day of me time. Running, petting a four-legged baby, or blogging these are the things that make me happy. I am repacking the wagon.
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
The Waggon
Why is that one day you a riding the proverbial wagon, life is great. You are moving along. When a bumps comes along you just hang on you were prepared for the bump.
The next time you try to ride the wagon you can't stay on the wagon no matter what you do? The wagon keeps stopping or flips over. You have no will power, strength & motivation. It is just easier to walk. Should I paint the wagon make it more attractive? Buy a new wagon, maybe the old one is worn-out? Maybe I have forgotten how to drive the wagon, education? Maybe I was just meant to walk? The mysteries of life.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
The next time you try to ride the wagon you can't stay on the wagon no matter what you do? The wagon keeps stopping or flips over. You have no will power, strength & motivation. It is just easier to walk. Should I paint the wagon make it more attractive? Buy a new wagon, maybe the old one is worn-out? Maybe I have forgotten how to drive the wagon, education? Maybe I was just meant to walk? The mysteries of life.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Promise for the Upcoming Week
I have been thinking about the word “Simple” today. Life should be simple. Relationships should be simple. So, why is it that I find myself feeling like life and relationships are not simple?
Today I decided to focus on something fun. My friend Katie Orse uses a journal for her business and creative thoughts. If you are looking for a journal check out Katie’s website . There you will find great handmade journals. I decided not to buy one (yet) so I created one today. I want to make sure I will use a journal. I do not want my journal to become a chore. If it works out I have my eye on the Liz journal with the lime green flower.
My promise for this upcoming week – keep it simple. Focus on what is important.
Have a Graet Week ~
Today I decided to focus on something fun. My friend Katie Orse uses a journal for her business and creative thoughts. If you are looking for a journal check out Katie’s website . There you will find great handmade journals. I decided not to buy one (yet) so I created one today. I want to make sure I will use a journal. I do not want my journal to become a chore. If it works out I have my eye on the Liz journal with the lime green flower.
My Journal is tabbed with areas for things that are important in my life: faith, simple, running, creativity, and leadership.
This week I am also going to try a new schedule. Instead of getting up early to run – I am going to work online (nursing students) before heading to the hospital. I am taking cloths so that I can lift some weights at lunch. When I get home in the evenings a bike ride or a run will be first on my list. Of course my day will end with puppy therapy. My promise for this upcoming week – keep it simple. Focus on what is important.
Have a Graet Week ~
Friday, February 04, 2011
Breathe in and out - I can do this!
My Word for 2011 is Simple – Life is simple. We (people) make it complicated. The very basics of living– breathe in and out, eats, sleep, and live by the golden rule. The plan was for each of us to live our lives making a difference in someone else’s life.
Every day I strive to follow these four simple steps. I ran Wednesday and had planned to run on Thursday, but I did not get home till after 10 PM from the charitable health clinic. I had two classes to check-in. So – running did not happen.
Friday started out behind. I overslept and was late getting to the local radio station to talk about the upcoming Wild Turkey Foundation banquet. I did make – but I hate being late.
Home early form work – so running can happen tonight. Only 31 days till Little Rock ~ now I am starting to have second thoughts – what if I can’t finish the race? What if I am the last to cross the finish line?
Breathe in and out – keep it simple ~ I can do this!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I came home from work and took a nap. I graded papers and now it is bed time. I miss feeling energized. I miss feeling in control. I miss feeling my muscles stretch and contract with movement. I want to feel the fresh air deep in my lungs – even if I am gasping for air.
Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it (Lily Tomlin)
Once again I sit here writing about energy, control, and feeling great. Yes, I know for weeks I have posted about being in control. It is all up to me.
It is up to me? Well, this me is down to 40 days to prepare for the Little Rock Half Marathon.
The number forty is used by God to represent a period of testing or judgment (the length of time necessary to accomplish some major part of Gods plan in his dealings with various portions of mankind). The 40 days of rain in the days of the flood were the judgments of God. The 40 day periods of fasting, testing, and communing with God that were faced by Moses and Jesus were a form of God's judgments.
Ok – Tomorrow starts my 40 days. Can I be dedicated? Can I find the strength? Can I find the motivation?
Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody may be looking (H.L. Mencken).
Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it (Lily Tomlin)
Once again I sit here writing about energy, control, and feeling great. Yes, I know for weeks I have posted about being in control. It is all up to me.
It is up to me? Well, this me is down to 40 days to prepare for the Little Rock Half Marathon.
The number forty is used by God to represent a period of testing or judgment (the length of time necessary to accomplish some major part of Gods plan in his dealings with various portions of mankind). The 40 days of rain in the days of the flood were the judgments of God. The 40 day periods of fasting, testing, and communing with God that were faced by Moses and Jesus were a form of God's judgments.
Ok – Tomorrow starts my 40 days. Can I be dedicated? Can I find the strength? Can I find the motivation?
Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody may be looking (H.L. Mencken).
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The Ramblings Of A Not So Dedicated Runner
The ramblings of a not so dedicated runner – overslept today. I thought I would get at the least 20 minutes on the treadmill before work this morning – that did not happen. So, why not? I am the only person who has the ability to control my schedule and my behavior.
I found a saying the other day - “For many people, one of the most frustrating aspects of life is not being able to understand other people's behavior.” For me, one of the most frustrating aspects of life is not understanding my own behavior.
Why do I procrastinate – I am not lazy. I just get side tracked. Or do I? Maybe I am overwhelmed. Even as I try to contemplate my life and my actions or inactions the phone is ringing with issues from work.
Wow - Simplifying your life is not easy.
How do you prioritize? According to Stephen Covey “You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage - pleasantly, smilingly, nonapologetically - to say 'no' to other things. And the way to do that is by having a bigger 'yes' burning inside. The enemy of the 'best' is often the 'good.' ~
I was flipping through a magazine (Women’s Health) earlier today that said – 38% of women break their resolutions in a month or less. The biggest reason for not sticking with a resolution is a lack of motivation.
Ok – so I have completed all the research. I have downloaded Covey to the Nook . I have stroked the inner fire – I have found my bigger yes ~
I am focused, I am focused, I am focused – keep reading – watch me simplify (and run).
I found a saying the other day - “For many people, one of the most frustrating aspects of life is not being able to understand other people's behavior.” For me, one of the most frustrating aspects of life is not understanding my own behavior.
Why do I procrastinate – I am not lazy. I just get side tracked. Or do I? Maybe I am overwhelmed. Even as I try to contemplate my life and my actions or inactions the phone is ringing with issues from work.
Wow - Simplifying your life is not easy.
How do you prioritize? According to Stephen Covey “You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage - pleasantly, smilingly, nonapologetically - to say 'no' to other things. And the way to do that is by having a bigger 'yes' burning inside. The enemy of the 'best' is often the 'good.' ~
I was flipping through a magazine (Women’s Health) earlier today that said – 38% of women break their resolutions in a month or less. The biggest reason for not sticking with a resolution is a lack of motivation.
Ok – so I have completed all the research. I have downloaded Covey to the Nook . I have stroked the inner fire – I have found my bigger yes ~
Monday, January 17, 2011
Unfulfilled Potential
Well – I did it, a short run on the treadmill. The shins hurt but everything else felt great. I am living by my new rule – if it is important I have time for it.
Pope John Paul XXIII said “Consult not your fears but your hopes and dreams. Think not about frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tired and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.”
What is still possible for me – running a half-marathon in March? My goal is to complete 13.1 – I do not have to be fast - I just have to finish.
I have unfulfilled potential and this is the year to fulfill it.
Living Simply – with my best friend!
Pope John Paul XXIII said “Consult not your fears but your hopes and dreams. Think not about frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tired and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.”
What is still possible for me – running a half-marathon in March? My goal is to complete 13.1 – I do not have to be fast - I just have to finish.
I have unfulfilled potential and this is the year to fulfill it.
Living Simply – with my best friend!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Order of Priorities
A lazy Sunday for me – slept late and would have slept later except our boys felt the need to wake us up. Nothing like being woke up by two 27 (yes I said 27 not 7) year-old boys jumping on the end of the bed. Felt a little like old times.
Do you ever wonder why when something is important to you – you cannot find the motivation to get started. I say I do not run because of time issues but I do not think I am being honest with myself. I love running when I do it. I love the way I feel during and after a run. I know that others cannot run for me –
Robert McKain says “set priorities for your goals. A major part of successful living lies in the ability to put first things first. Indeed, the reason most major goals are not achieved is that we spend our time doing second things first.”
Joyce Meyer believes that “wisdom is choosing to do now what we will be happy with later:” That is not always easy because it may require us to sacrifice something we could easily have today for something better we can have tomorrow. For me the things I have today are sleep, time with my husband, or completing work.
There is no point in saying I do not have time for something, because I make time for whatever is important to me. If I am not doing something I can assume it is not a priority for me.
Why do I want running to be important for me? The benefits out-weigh the negatives. How do I make it a priority – Just do it. It is not hard. Keep it simple
Do you ever wonder why when something is important to you – you cannot find the motivation to get started. I say I do not run because of time issues but I do not think I am being honest with myself. I love running when I do it. I love the way I feel during and after a run. I know that others cannot run for me –
Robert McKain says “set priorities for your goals. A major part of successful living lies in the ability to put first things first. Indeed, the reason most major goals are not achieved is that we spend our time doing second things first.”
Joyce Meyer believes that “wisdom is choosing to do now what we will be happy with later:” That is not always easy because it may require us to sacrifice something we could easily have today for something better we can have tomorrow. For me the things I have today are sleep, time with my husband, or completing work.
There is no point in saying I do not have time for something, because I make time for whatever is important to me. If I am not doing something I can assume it is not a priority for me.
Why do I want running to be important for me? The benefits out-weigh the negatives. How do I make it a priority – Just do it. It is not hard. Keep it simple
The four-legged children reading my blog
~ Clowie, MeMe, Clinnie and Paco Joe ~
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Simply Enjoy the Journey
Ok – you know something is wrong when you do not know what day of the week it is – today I had to ask someone if today was Tuesday or Wednesday. I guess it could be worst. I did not have to ask what my name is!
I am reading a new book – 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life by Joyce Myers. Ms. Myers states “Those who want to enjoy life must learn to enjoy the journey, which is filled with waiting. Eventually, we reach our destination only to begin again on a new journey to another place; therefore to never enjoy the journey is to never enjoy life.”

So does it matter if today is Tuesday or Wednesday? Not really, what matters is I can look back on today and say I did a good job. I can rest tonight knowing that those I love know how much they mean to me. I can feel comfortable knowing that tomorrow is a new day and a new opportunity to simply live this life full of blessing that I have been given.
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Countdown Started
57 Days to Little Rock - Wow. It is time to seriously work on adding mileage. My Goal is to finish - follow me as I spend the next 57 days keeping it simple focusing on my goal.
Converstaion and Genes Ensure I Am Me
Sunday morning – a hot cup of coffee and computer in hand I am sitting at the kitchen table reflecting on the last couple of days with my family. Focusing on my word – "simple". I realize that relationships are anything but simple. Five adult children, my father, and my sister make a dynamic group.
Dynamics in any group are not simple. We can control only ourselves – we can guide our own thoughts but we have zero control over others – even our own offspring.
Sometimes I have wondered if I was adopted or found under a cabbage leaf - I have very little in common with my family. But this weekend, I did realize that I share the same genes as my mother and grandmother.
I routinely call a child by the wrong name – example If I am wanting to talk to Jax, I call each child’s name till I get to the correct one – Jeffery, Justin, Chad, Jer Jer, (finally) Jax. – is this a sign of dementia? I do not think so – my grandmother and my mother both called roll till they got the right name.
So – I am off to run, grade a few papers, and scrapbook memories from this weekend. (Notice I put me first – not work).
Keeping it Simple ~
Dynamics in any group are not simple. We can control only ourselves – we can guide our own thoughts but we have zero control over others – even our own offspring.
Sometimes I have wondered if I was adopted or found under a cabbage leaf - I have very little in common with my family. But this weekend, I did realize that I share the same genes as my mother and grandmother.
I routinely call a child by the wrong name – example If I am wanting to talk to Jax, I call each child’s name till I get to the correct one – Jeffery, Justin, Chad, Jer Jer, (finally) Jax. – is this a sign of dementia? I do not think so – my grandmother and my mother both called roll till they got the right name.
“It is a wise mother who gives her child roots and wings” Chinese Proverb
Running for a future – my athletic genes come from my Dad.
He asked as if surprised - you run? my reply - I try to run.
His next question - why? my reply - to keep me healthy.
His next question - how far do you run? my reply - 2 to 5 miles.
His next question - you are running in a race? my reply - I am focusing on completing a race.
His next question - why? my reply - because I want to.
His reply - simply shaking his head as if to say "I do not understand".
Some forms of conversation never change ~
So – I am off to run, grade a few papers, and scrapbook memories from this weekend. (Notice I put me first – not work).
Keeping it Simple ~
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Wow – where has today gone? It is 11 PM and I am just finishing discussion questions with my students. Of course watching the HOGS play the Sugar Bowl I am sure has had an impact on my time management skills.
Football is really a simple game – move the ball down the field and stop the other team from moving the ball down the field in the other direction.
Again today – the best laid plans of mice and men have been derailed. I find myself not completing everything I want to do. Maybe I want to do too much?
I am off work (no hospital) for 5 days – I have some time to re-evaluate my “to-do-list”. Maybe I will think about my “to-do-list” while trout fishing tomorrow – Not.
Check back tomorrow for the fishing report.
Football is really a simple game – move the ball down the field and stop the other team from moving the ball down the field in the other direction.
Again today – the best laid plans of mice and men have been derailed. I find myself not completing everything I want to do. Maybe I want to do too much?
I am off work (no hospital) for 5 days – I have some time to re-evaluate my “to-do-list”. Maybe I will think about my “to-do-list” while trout fishing tomorrow – Not.
Check back tomorrow for the fishing report.
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Spring River: Mammoth Springs, AR. |
Monday, January 03, 2011
Nothing Simple About Today
Well today did not go simply - I overslept. I did not get a morning run. I did not get to follow my timeline at work to accomplish a few overdue tasks. I forgot I had a clinic board meeting tonight – ran (not literally) to that, then home to chat for two hours with students. Wow – are you tired yet, I am.
So – who created this mess? Me. Who can fix this mess? Me.
How – more organization? More self-control?
Tomorrow is a new day – I am going to try self-control. Alarm set – husband agrees to use size 15 foot to help me out of bed. Follow me tomorrow to see how self-control equals simplicity.
So – who created this mess? Me. Who can fix this mess? Me.
How – more organization? More self-control?
Tomorrow is a new day – I am going to try self-control. Alarm set – husband agrees to use size 15 foot to help me out of bed. Follow me tomorrow to see how self-control equals simplicity.
Sunday, January 02, 2011
Simple with Purpose
Today started off, to a late start, with a calmness and organization that is often missing in my mornings. Two quick miles on the treadmill completed, followed by coffee in my study. It is funny how my word “simple” added to this morning.
Before Christmas, I was feeling overwhelmed every time I walked in to my study. Why – the room had become the “catch-all” space. I spent one afternoon throwing out stuff – mostly papers. It is amazing how much I print to read or file because I want to be able to put my hands on it latter. Magazines were another complication.
Also having a plan this morning helped me stay focused on how to spend my time. See I often let obligations dictate my time. Work (full-time nurse admin and part-time nurse faculty), and volunteer (full-time charitable clinic admin and humane society advocate) activities overwhelm my life at times causing chaos.
I have a plan – a simple plan: Run early (I owe this to me), work hard (I owe this to the organization), schedule activities (it is my time – use it wisely).
Eleanor Roosevelt once said “I could not at any age be content to take my place in a corner by the fireside and simply look on" – neither can I. I can however not run chaotically into the day – but instead move deliberately and with purpose.
Sounds simple – let’s see what next week holds.
Before Christmas, I was feeling overwhelmed every time I walked in to my study. Why – the room had become the “catch-all” space. I spent one afternoon throwing out stuff – mostly papers. It is amazing how much I print to read or file because I want to be able to put my hands on it latter. Magazines were another complication.
Also having a plan this morning helped me stay focused on how to spend my time. See I often let obligations dictate my time. Work (full-time nurse admin and part-time nurse faculty), and volunteer (full-time charitable clinic admin and humane society advocate) activities overwhelm my life at times causing chaos.
I have a plan – a simple plan: Run early (I owe this to me), work hard (I owe this to the organization), schedule activities (it is my time – use it wisely).
Eleanor Roosevelt once said “I could not at any age be content to take my place in a corner by the fireside and simply look on" – neither can I. I can however not run chaotically into the day – but instead move deliberately and with purpose.
Sounds simple – let’s see what next week holds.
Saturday, January 01, 2011
What does 2011 hold for me? Simplicity?
My word is simple ~ as in simplify your life. The original plan was simple – the plan begins at birth – we breath in and out. No one tells us to breath, we do not have to purchase something, we do not have to collect anything, and we simply breathe. So 2011 is my year of simple. What made me think of choosing a word for 2011.
I follow Katie Orse’s blog . Katie is choosing a single word for 2011, in keeping with my thoughts on needing to simplify my life I have been using the word simple in my goals even before thinking I need a single word for 2011. Here are the running goals for 2011 posted on before reading Katie’s blog :
The Little Rock Half-Marathon
Run 700 Miles
Simplify My Life
So what other goals are will guide my simple life in 2011:
Listen more
Enjoy the simple things in life (family, friends, health and faith)
Ok – so follow me in 2011 and see how simple works in the hectic life I have created.
Happy New Year
~ Connie ~
I follow Katie Orse’s blog . Katie is choosing a single word for 2011, in keeping with my thoughts on needing to simplify my life I have been using the word simple in my goals even before thinking I need a single word for 2011. Here are the running goals for 2011 posted on before reading Katie’s blog :
The Little Rock Half-Marathon
Run 700 Miles
Simplify My Life
So what other goals are will guide my simple life in 2011:
Listen more
Enjoy the simple things in life (family, friends, health and faith)
Ok – so follow me in 2011 and see how simple works in the hectic life I have created.
Happy New Year
~ Connie ~
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