Sunday, July 29, 2012

D - Could be for...

Daughter, dog-lover, and a diva, that is dynamic, dazzling, and domestic. But, mostly I am determined.

I am determined to live up to Luke 12:48 “From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more.”

My determination has allowed me to, raise an awesome group of young adults, serve in the U.S. Army, run a free health clinic, rescue some amazing animals, earn multiple degrees and be a contributing part of the community.
My determination is sometimes based on previous failures -

As a child if you told me I could not do something I would say ok – I was raised to not talk back, to accept what I was told.

I wanted to run track in high school; my mother told me I did not have a runner’s body.  I tried out, made the team, but during a track meet I passed out. I tried again and developed shin splints. Once again everyone told me - it is ok to quit, your not a runner.  I never finished a race. 

As an adult it had always bothered me that I couldn’t be a runner. So, I started training and guess what, I finished a 5K and went on to teach other women how to run. 

As John Bingham, The Penguin, says:

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start."

I can’t wait to see what Luke12:48 and my determination get me into next.

~ Connie ~

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