Now, I have some great news ~ I passed my clinical observation today! I am one step nearer to being a nurse practitioner.

I spent the last weekend with my nose in a book - but it all paid off today.
I also got an awesome gift this week from the Big Man.
Saturday night I decided, after 14 hours of studying, that I wanted to do something creative - so I decided to whip up curtains for my craft space. Only it didn't go as planned, my sewing machine is 30 years old, while setting it up the cord that goes to the foot-feed broke off.
Sunday on the way home from church I was telling the Big Man what I did - he asked if Walmart sold sewing machines, I said yes, and he drove straight to Walmart and bought me a new machine.
I haven't had time yet to set it up, but I have had time during a couple of meetings to pick out images I want to do - got to love Pinterest.
I can't wait to spend some time with my new toy
It is the little things make me happy.
~ Connie ~
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