I am married to my best friend - and we have been on a journey for 20 years. This journey hasn't always been easy - we have raised 5 kids, bought and completed rebuild a home, faced retirement and health issues, rescued a few dogs, opened a business and loved each other unconditionally.
The Big Man spent 25 years as a police officer, he is now the City of Blytheville Building Inspector and is the Justice of the Peace for Mississippi County District 8. Besides me, he loves his guns, hunting, food, our children, dogs (he is allergic to cats).
He literally walked into my life. We meet at the park running. He doesn't know it but, I almost quit running that night. Being competitive I thought I had to keep up with him - all 6'3 inches of him with my 5'2' frame.

He loves my children as his own, accepted my houseful of dogs, learned how to trout fish, bought me a tractor and chickens. Has supported me during my 18 years of formal education. Helped me loose weight, meet the military weight and physical fitness standards and supported me during my time in the U.S. Army Nurse Corps Reserves. He has been my biggest cheerleader as I struggled to open a free health clinic and my own family nurse practitioner office. He has shielded me from mice and even used a live trap to trap the mice and relocate them rather than kill them so - I would not cry and feel guilty about killing the mice. He is beside me everyday on this horrible journey of dementia my dad is taking us down. He has laughed at me, made me laugh and cried with me. He has prayed with me and for me... he is my everything.
We never go to bed mad - we always say I love when leaving each other or ending a phone call. I can't imagine this journey through life without him....I am so glad you stopped by my blog today to meet my best friend. I would love to hear about your best friend.
~ Connie ~
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