Monday, October 17, 2016

Feeling Bad for Not Going to Church

Lately the Big Man and I have not been attending church.  At first our  my excuse was work, family and just being "too busy" but over time I have found myself questioning organized religion.
My view of church has changed, I once believed that the body of the church would be faithful with work in the community, but over the last couple of years, I see the body of the church as being content to sit in their pew and write a check.

I have watched our church dwindle in numbers, never moving outside of the walls. Yet, thousands of dollars have been poured into maintaining a big old brick structure for a few.  For me that is selfish - I want people to get out, offer a hand (without a check).  There is so much of God's work to be done in our little community.

So, I haven't been to Sunday services and I feel bad about not going to church.  I love our pastor, she is one of the most honest, kindest, hard working souls I know.  Her mission in life is to spread the word and focus on God's work.   But, I have learned in organized religion, you have to follow rules and you should not upset those with the checkbook.

So back to me, what do I do?? How do I give God what he deserves, after all he gave us his son.
God deserves His due place in our lives. Psalm 29:2 calls us to “give unto the Lord the glory due to his name…” He deserves a life of worship, and a small start of that is to spend time in His word, learning more about Him.

So..I have decided that online bible study and quite time with God are how I will give God the time he deserves.
I have started with 30 Days of Gratitude: A Journey Through Exodus

Exodus is not a book I have read. My plan is to
read the passage for the day.  I then plan to spend time using the Quieting Your Heart Gratitude Journal 

Will this process work?  I am not sure what I will gain from the process.  I do know that it is right to give God the time he deserves, so for now it will be me and God doing quite time together.

~ ConnieKayA ~
A Southern Girl sharing her passion for living an abundantly blessed life.

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